Regulus – Long Live the King


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Astrological talisman of fixed star Regulus
Marquise garnet set in solid sterling silver on a 20″ sterling silver chain


Regulus, also known as Alpha Leonis, is one of the brightest and most influential fixed stars in ancient astrology. Revered as the “Heart of the Lion” due to its position in the constellation Leo, Regulus is one of the four Royal Stars and is associated with the Archangel Raphael. This star’s mythological and astrological significance was deeply integrated into the broader cosmologies of ancient cultures, symbolizing kingship. Regulus is the indicator star for the 10th Lunar Mansion, Al Jabah, and the Nakshatra Magha, whose symbol is a royal throne and which is connected to the ancestors through its ruling deity, Pitris, “the Fathers.” The connection to ancestry, tradition, and regulating structures is mirrored in its association with the heart. As J.M. Hamade states in his recent work, The Procession of the Night Theatre, “The heart is the center of the body and the director of blood life-force. Regulus is known for its strong regal nature. It is this central, regulatory quality which lends itself to notions of rulership.”

The following is a quote from own work, St Raphael the Archangel, which I co-authored with Dr. Alexander Cummins:

Saint Raphael the Archangel, whose name in Hebrew means “God Heals” or “The Medicine of God,” is an archangel who is “set over all the diseases and all the wounds of the children of men” (1 Enoch 40). Although not mentioned by name in the Bible, he is widely believed to be the angel referenced in John 5:4

For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.

In Islam, he is known as Israfil, which translates to “The Burning One,” and he is the angel who will blow the last trumpet at the end of days.

And the trumpet shall be blown, so all those that are in the heavens and all those that are in the earth shall swoon, except Allah; then it shall be blown again, then they shall stand up awaiting. (Qur’an 39:68)

This work is available through Hadean Press for those wanting to connect further with Raphael.

Raphael’s association with healing, judgment, and his role as a psychopomp connects him with the star Regulus through the ancestors, and the processes of transformation. This connection is also reflected in Regulus’ association with alchemy, where it lends its name to Regulus of Antimony, a substance linked with metamorphosis and protection. Regulus of Antimony was used in alchemical preparations to guard the body and spirit against impurities.

According to Ptolemy, Regulus is of the nature of Mars and Jupiter, symbolizing a blend of martial vigor and kingly authority. The star’s association with leadership made it a powerful omen in horoscopes, particularly those of rulers and military leaders. Vivian Robson, in The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, elaborates on Regulus’s impact: “It promises great success and recognition, especially in military or political endeavors, but equally it warns of ultimate downfall should pride and arrogance dominate the heart.” Regulus’s influence extends beyond personal horoscopes into the realm of mundane astrology, where it was believed to govern national events, wars, and the rise and fall of empires. Astrologers of the medieval and Renaissance periods often observed the positions of Regulus to forecast the outcomes of battles or the success of political enterprises. Bernadette Brady in her Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars notes, “Regulus, the heart of the lion, was seen as a star of destiny, particularly for those in positions of power. It is a star that both elevates and warns, a regal light that shines equally on triumph and tragedy.”

According to the Picatrix, talismans of Regulus  bring success, protection from enemies, and enhancement of personal power. The text advises that a talisman made under Regulus’s influence should be inscribed with the image of a lion or a king to capture the star’s regal and martial qualities. The Picatrix states, “The image of Regulus gives strength, honor, and victory over adversaries, and grants protection to those who bear its mark.’ According to the The Bodleian MS a Regulus talisman, “takes away anger and melancholy, makes men temperate, and grants favor.”  Agrippa says of Regulus talismans, “they made the image of a Lion or Cat, or the Figure of an honorable Person sitting in a Chair; it rendreth a man temperate, appeaseth wrath, and giveth favour.”

These talismans feature the image of a lion’s head and were personally hand-sculpted and cast in solid sterling silver. During the electional window, marquise-cut garnets were engraved with the sigil of Regulus and suffumigated with a mixture including mugwort, which I personally foraged, and basil that I personally grew. Agrippa lists garnet as the stone of Regulus and mugwort as one of the plants associated with the star. Basil was included due to its associations with kingship and as a reference to the Greek name for Regulus, Basiliskos, meaning “little king,” linking Regulus to the basilisk, the king of serpents. For more information on basil I highly recommend the 2 part series “On Basil and Venom” by Maeg Keane: Part 1, Part 2. The other plant, mugwort, reflects the stars martial nature through it’s connection to the goddess Artemis by genus name, Artemisia.

In the chart for the election, which is available in the product gallery, Regulus culminates on the midheaven with an exact conjunction from Venus and the Moon applying. Although Venus is technically in her fall in Virgo, as long as one is not making a Venus talisman specifically, the Picatrix treats all benefic contact as fortifying, particularly emphasizing the presence of benefics on the ascendant and midheaven as powerfully fortunate placements in an electional chart, even overcoming any problems with the Moon. The Moon here is waxing, unafflicted, and applying to Regulus and Venus. The Moon’s lord, the Sun, is dignified in Leo. The ruler of the ascendant, Mars, applies to a conjunction with Jupiter, the other planet of the star’s nature. The chart is further fortunated by the presence of the Part of Fortune in the 1st house.

Eight talismans were made, each approximately 1.5″ in diameter and come on a 20″ sterling silver chain, accompanied by the devotional artwork pictured above printed on cardstock. Each talisman contains slight variations due to their handcrafted nature and the use of natural stones but will be nearly identical to those pictured and intuitively selected. The talismans were enspirited with the intention of bestowing mirth, temperance, and great favor to their bearers.

Here is a playlist of resonant music which aided in their creation and can be used to further connect with their spirit. I went for a britpop/madchester theme for this one because of the connections between Britain and royalty as well as for the upbeat sunny quality which I think encapsulates Regulus quite well.

May the daimon of these talismans grant you mirth, temperance, and great favor


  • Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius: Three Books of Occult Philosophy
  • Beck, Roger: A Brief History of Ancient Astrology
  • Brady, Bernadette. (1998). Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars.
  • Greer, John Michael and Warnock, Christopher: The Picatrix: The Complete Occult Classic of Astrological Magic
  • Kieckhefer, R.:Magic in the Middle Ages
  • Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos
  • Robson, Vivian E.: The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology
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